Christmas Gifts

Dear readers,

it's the most beautiful time of the year. Filled with love, joy and smell of food. Even if my family and I don't really celebrate Christmas at all, we loved to imitate celebrating Christmas. We're using these holidays for a feast with our vietnamese community. It's like a big family meeting with food and entertainment.

christmas gift

I even already prepared Christmas gifts for my beloved, who will attend the big feast on 24th of december. And I was very surprised of varieties of wrapping papers this year. Every year they were selling coloured wrapping papers full of patterns and kitschy printed stuff. I was very excited as my sister bought me white wrapping papers with silver printings.

christmas gift

christmas gift

Very simple, but very beautiful. Adding little details to recognize which presents belongs to whom. Last year I wrapped everything in white with black ribbon. This year I will change to silver and gold ribbons.

christmas gift

I can't wait to see their faces while they're unwrapping their gifts filled with love and material stuff.

xo, RubyliXious



  1. Bei uns gibt es zum Weihnachten auch immer ein großes Familientreffen mit ganz viel leckeres Essen. Die Geschenke sind übrigens sehr schön verpackt :)

    Liebe Grüße, Chi Chi

  2. Wow beautiful <3 Thanks for inspiration.



  3. Amazing photos, I need to figure out how to wrap all the present this year so your post is a good inspiration for me right now :)
