arabian nights in abu dhabi

Dear readers,

it was a really good idea to escape the cold weather in germany. In the UAE I enjoyed wonderful sunshine with a soft breeze. My destination was Abu Dhabi.

abu dhabi

My sister and I stayed in the luxury Hilton hotel. The hotelroom was huge and the furnishings are exclusive and chic. We were never in the united emirates before, so we learned about their rules and tratidions first. But Abu Dhabi was different. The people were open minded and most of the time it was too hot for long clothes. But it was really okay to wear short stuff and I was still aware of not breaking rules like wearing shorts or short skirts in mosques. Like in asian countries it is disrespectful, so it wasn't any problems to respect their traditions.

abu dhabi
abu dhabi            abu dhabi

The desert safari was the most interesting trip, but we also visited the YAS waterworld and the ferrari world. I recommend you to visit the waterworld and the ferrari world together. It's possible to buy a combi ticket for both worlds.

abu dhabi            abu dhabi
abu dhabi            abu dhabi

But we spent mostly our time (and our money) in the great malls. There are so many shops we don't have in Germany. Unluckily, we were both girls with only 30 kg baggages.
The disappointing thing was that my sister was underage, so we couldn't visit the clubs and bars in Abu Dhabi. No problem. The best bars and clubs are in Dubai anyway.

abu dhabi

So, next time it have to be Dubai.

xo, RubyliXious



  1. Richtig schöne Fotos! Ich würde auch sehr gerne mal nach Abu Dahbi :)
    Deine Outfits sehen auch richtig schön aus <3

    Liebe Grüße

  2. beautiful photos! looks like so much fun xo

  3. Wow! Soo tolle Eindrücke!
    Hab einen wundervollen Tag!

  4. Richtig schöne Bilder! :) Vorallen die letzen 2 sehen so schön aus! Und wie war es auf einen Kamel reiten zu dürfen? :D

  5. The place looks amazing, I really want to go! I've heard that the camel ride is awesome! Love your outfits as always :) x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  6. wow tolle Fotos :)

    LG Anna
