serendipity – blogroll #3

Dear readers,

her name is Julia and she is only 16 years old and she inspires me a lot with her sense of style. In her age I don't even have an exact idea of my own style. But I can see a lot what connects us. I'd love to share her blog Serendipity with you.


Her creativity and her passion to travel reminds me a lot of myself. But mostly her photography skills and the skill to create such beautiful pictures impressed me. Even in her young age she knows exactly how to put things in the right angle for the viewers. And her sense of colours inspires me to work more with colours but still in a simple and minimalistic way.


I just can recommend to take a look on her Instagram Page as well. It has a huge effect to see her whole collection at once and you can clearly recognize a clear-cut course. A really lovely girl with talents and big dreams.

serendipity           serendipity

Go visit her page and convince yourself!

xo, RubyliXious



  1. Liebe Tu Thuy,
    ich wollte mich nochmal ganz herzlich bei dir für diese tolle Aktion und deine lieben Worte bedanken, das bedeutet mir wirklich sehr viel! :)

    Viele liebe Grüße, Julia ☾ |

  2. Julias Blog ist wirklich toll, sehr schöner Post über sie! :)

    Liebe Grüße
    Jimena von

  3. Wow, sie hat wirklich einen tollen Blog! :)

    Liebe Grüße
    Sarah ||
