Dear readers,
it's exam period right now and I should begin to study. In some courses we have to prepare presentations and especially in photography class we have projects.
The deadline is on thursday and I'm confident mine will be good. I collect a lot of ideas and I got a lot of brainstorming with my friends. Unluckily, we have to work alone, but it's allowed to help each other.
The topic of the project is "Essthetik". It's funny because it's a wordplay. The combination of food (ger. Essen) and aesthetic (ger. Ästhetik). The target group should be a cooking class, but we can decide the type of cooking course.
I photographed a golden and a green kiwi in broken white egg shells. It contains the theme food and the theme aesthetic. Requirements fulfilled.

The idea behind this photo is experimental cooking. The target group should be surprised and curious to try out new combinations of food.
it's exam period right now and I should begin to study. In some courses we have to prepare presentations and especially in photography class we have projects.
The deadline is on thursday and I'm confident mine will be good. I collect a lot of ideas and I got a lot of brainstorming with my friends. Unluckily, we have to work alone, but it's allowed to help each other.
The topic of the project is "Essthetik". It's funny because it's a wordplay. The combination of food (ger. Essen) and aesthetic (ger. Ästhetik). The target group should be a cooking class, but we can decide the type of cooking course.
I photographed a golden and a green kiwi in broken white egg shells. It contains the theme food and the theme aesthetic. Requirements fulfilled.

The idea behind this photo is experimental cooking. The target group should be surprised and curious to try out new combinations of food.
xo, RubyliXious
Wrote by thu thuy